Healthy You Workshop is ON HOLD until further notice. Please continue to check our website and our Facebook Page for updates regarding the workshops. Thank you for your understanding.

NOW OFFERING virtual workshop webinars for:
1. Addictions Group
2. Caregiver Support Group



DATE: Thursday Evenings

DURATION: 1 hour Session

LOCATION: Upper Grand FHT – 143 Metcalfe Street Elora 

The focus is on lifestyle changes to help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight and prevent associated chronic diseases (Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension etc.) The program is led by dietitians with an introduction to nutrition basics, including understanding calories and where they come from; difference in carbohydrates, fats and proteins and how to manage their intake; making healthy choices; managing eating out; understanding your daily calorie and fat intake targets in addition to many other topics. There are several sessions on healthy activity and how to manage barriers to increasing your activity taught by a Kinesiologist.


  • No Referral Needed
  • Participants must be 18 years or older to attend
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