We help connect our patients to a variety of healthcare providers from a distance via the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN).

OTN Specialist Consult

OTN Specialist Consult also called, e-consults. This service is fast, complete and convenient for patients that do not require a full consultation with a specialist. Physicians and nurse practitioners can ask specialists across Ontario for advice electronically. Relevant patient information and photos can be securely sent to a specialist and advice will be received in less than 5 days.

Please Note:

  • A referral from your family physician or healthcare provider is required.
  • For more information on Telemedicine services visit
Adult Psychiatry

Psychiatrist one-time consultation via telemedicine (no ongoing management/psychotherapy) to make recommendations on diagnosis, medications or treatment plans that can be implemented by the patients family physician.

Please Note:

  • A referral from your family physician or healthcare provider is required.
  • For more information on Telemedicine services visit
Child & Youth Psychiatry

Psychiatrists specializing in children and youth offer a one-time consultation via Telemedicine (no ongoing management).
The appointment will offer making recommendations on diagnosis, medications or treatment plans to the family physician that can be implemented in the community.

Please Note:

  • A referral from your family physician or healthcare provider is required.
  • For more information on Telemedicine services visit
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