Book your Flu-Shot Appointment Today!


Online Booking 

Please note: Online booking is only available for patients of Dr. Cummins, Dr. Stickney, Dr. Jafferjee and Dr. Phillips. To book your appointment online, please Click Here

Phone Booking

To book flu-shot appointment at any other UGFHT clinics, please contact the office directly.

Everyone 6 months and older should get the flu shot

The flu shot is your best defence against the flu. It can save lives by:

  • protecting you, if you are exposed to the virus
  • preventing you from getting very sick
  • reducing additional burden on the health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • reduce your chances of being infected with COVID-19 and the flu at the same time, which could lead to more serious complications
  • protecting people close to you:
    • because you are less likely to spread the virus
    • who are at higher risk of serious flu complications if they get the flu
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