Medication management is a strategy for engaging with patients and caregivers to create a complete and accurate medication list. A complete and accurate medication list is the foundation for addressing medication reconciliation and medication management issues. These tools will also help to identify patient behaviors that may be putting patients at risk for an adverse drug event, such as overdosing, underdosing, or missing medications, or other important contextual factors limiting adherence.

The Clinical Pharmacist complements your local community pharmacist or hospital pharmacist by working directly with your family physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

Specific services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Consultation with physicians regarding complex medication therapy for patients;
  • Assistance with processes related to management and processing of prescription renewals and new prescriptions;
  • Providing continuity of care with patients on discharge from the hospital and ongoing liaison with the hospital pharmacist, liaison with the community pharmacist; and assistance with management of discontinued medications.

Please Note:

  • A referral from your physician or health care provider is required.


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