A Team-Based Approach to Your Care

About our organization and who we serve

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

We are committed to providing the best primary health care in our community. We believe that our patients and families are partners in the delivery of quality healthcare. Therefore we make the following commitments to you:

Your Rights:
When you visit our offices or contact us you have the right to:

  • Be treated in a kind and respectful way
  • Expect that all information about your healthcare will be kept private and confidential in accordance with the personal health information law (refer to our Privacy Policy)
  • Be given information in a way that you will understand and is meaningful to you
  • Expect that your health care team will share relevant information with each other within the circle of care, unless otherwise restricted by you.
  • Participate in making decisions about your care
  • Receive culturally-sensitive care
  • Know the names and roles of people involved in your care
  • Express your concerns and get answers to your questions
  • Be told of the fees not covered by OHIP and that you or your family will have to pay

Your Responsibilities:

We pride ourselves on maintaining a safe and collaborative environment for everyone who visits or works in our offices. Therefore we kindly ask for the support of our patients to help us achieve this goal by:

  • Being polite and respecting other patients, visitors and members of the health care team
  • Recognizing that the needs of other patients and families may sometimes be more urgent than your own
  • Giving accurate information to your health care team to help them plan your care
  • Giving your health care team the name of the person who will represent you if you cannot make decisions by yourself
  • Following the plan of care the best way you can
  • Accepting responsibility for the decisions you make about your treatment
  • Taking responsibility for your personal belongings
  • Respecting clinic property and acting in a safe and responsible way at all times
  • Understanding and taking responsibility for all expenses not covered by OHIP
  • Notifying your health care provider if you cannot keep an appointment

Your Opinion Matters. Please take our Patient Experience Survey and let us know how we can make your experience better

Our social media may provide information on upcoming events, helpful resources, programs and services and many of the great things happening across the community


Interested in Becoming Family Health Team Services? 

  • The Majority of Family Health Team services require referrals. To access these services, ask your primary care provider (family physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner) for more information and to request a referral.
  • Referrals from your primary care provider are preferred, but if this is not an option, please call the Family Health Team at 519-843-3947, and we can talk to you about getting started. 

Our Patients


We are located in Centre Wellington and Arthur and provide support and services to approximately 30,000 residents within Centre Wellington, North Wellington and direct surrounding areas. The Upper Grand Family Health Team works in collaboration with the Physicians and Medical Practices within the Centre and North Wellington area including those who are a part of the following practices:

  • Riverview Medical Group 
  • Limestone Medical Group 
  • Little Falls Family Physicians
  • Summit Medical
  • Geddes Medical Group
  • Vista Medical Group
  • Elora Medical Group
  • Dalby Family Practice
  • Arthur Family Health Centre
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