What is a Nurse Practitioner?








(Adapted from NPAO.org)


  • Nurse practitioners, also known as NPs, are expert clinicians with advanced training and education who provide primary, acute and specialty health care in a variety of settings.
  • NPs provide high-quality, cost-effective, patient-centered health care.
  • NPs provide a full range of services, such as ordering, performing and interpreting diagnostic tests; diagnosing and treating acute and chronic conditions; prescribing medications and treatments; and managing overall patient care.
  • There are more than 3400 NPs licensed to practice in Ontario today, and they provide a solution for a stronger and healthier province.
  • NPs now have a master’s degree, and many have doctoral degrees, as well as advanced education and clinical training.
  • NPs are licensed and regulated by the College of Nurses of Ontario.
  • NPs can prescribe ALL medications.
  • Patients whose primary care providers are NPs have fewer emergency room visits and shorter hospital stays. This results in cost savings and over all sustainability of the health care system.
  • NPs emphasize the health and well-being of the whole person in their approach, including helping patients make educated health care decisions and healthy lifestyle choices.
  • The Upper Grand Family Health Team has five highly trained (and overall amazing) Nurse Practitioners, so call your doctor’s office and book an appointment to meet yours today!!
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