Your Pharmacist Can Now Do More for You!
As of December 11, 2020, Ontario pharmacists are now authorized to:
- Administer the flu vaccine to children as young as two years old
- Renew prescriptions in quantities of up to one year’s supply
This expanded scope of practice adds to the list of healthcare services pharmacists were already authorized to provide, including:
- Ensuring prescriptions are the right drug and dosage to best treat conditions
- Ensuring prescriptions do not negatively interact with allergies or other medications
- Counselling patients on how to take medication properly, including demonstrating how to inject insulin or use inhalers, as well as about drug side effects
- Providing a medication review, ideal for patients taking multiple medications at once, where a pharmacist reviews all the medications a patient is taking to ensure they know how to take them correctly
- Adapting prescriptions, when appropriate, which can include changing medications from a capsule to a liquid, adjusting the dose, and changing how often it is taken
- Prescribing medication to help patients quit smoking, as well as offering ongoing monitoring and support
It is important to note that not all pharmacies will offer all of these healthcare services. Speak to your pharmacist to find out more about the services they provide, and to find out if they are right for you.