Understanding and Managing Back-to-School Stress

Understanding and Managing Back-to-School Stress

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, many families face a familiar but often challenging reality: back-to-school stress. This transition period can be overwhelming for children and parents/caregivers alike as new routines, responsibilities, and...
Tips to protect your body during snow removal

Tips to protect your body during snow removal

We have all heard of or experienced those dreadful body aches and pains that started with snow removal; maybe its your back, or shoulder, or knees. By making a few simple modifications to the way you remove snow you can lessen those aches and pains and limit how they...
Holiday Survival Guide

Holiday Survival Guide

Posted by Brianna Yuill, R.Kin from Kincardine FHT   With holidays quickly approaching, it can get a little overwhelming. Buying gifts, decorating the house, baking, cooking, and hosting. How are we to find the time to maintain our healthy lifestyles and reduce...
November – Fall Prevention Month

November – Fall Prevention Month

Posted by Nick Serafini, R.Kin at the Upper Grand Family Health Team Likely many of us have thought in recent days, “How is it November already?!” It can be that time of year when we all start talking about how cold the weather has become and when we start to worry...
Dual Task Exercise, Nick Serafini, RKin. Upper Grand FHT

Dual Task Exercise, Nick Serafini, RKin. Upper Grand FHT

Balance and stability are something that can be here one day and gone the next. Most importantly it is often something that is not dependable when we really need it. But recently I attended a webinar hosted by two experienced Physiotherapists from BC that piqued my...
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